So it was Celali, the girl with theee most faith I have EVER seen! She's been kind of thrown back and forth between her parents, and not really cared for. But her best friend Daisy got baptized a year ago, and she's been taking the lessons for the past couple months. And this past week we got to meet with her and talk about her baptism. And she was SO EXCITED. I have never ever EVER met somebody that has ever been so ready and has wanted it so bad. She's had SUCH a rough life, but only looks at the good things that God has in store for her after being baptized. But she was so ready. so so so so SO ready. And THEN! Saturday night/Sunday morning, she was waking up with these crazy voices all around her, and she said this has NEVER happened to her before. She was so scared, and just kept praying and praying for help, and went to church sick to her stomach because of the nerves Satan was trying to put into her. So after sacrament, she got a blessing and was crying, saying that every single one of those feelings were just leaving out the top of her head as she was getting the blessing. It was SO COOL. And she was good after that! Satan just wanted to throw in his last bam because of how much good she's gonna do in the trying to look up 'meet Mormons' on They're saying they're on Mormon Facebook. haha!
Okay but ANYway. So I ate steak the other day :O It was the first time I had eaten an actual steak in what. a year at least? or 2? It was good I'm NOT gonna lie. But my tummy was KILLIN the entire next day. KILLIN. hahaha
Man! I feel like I should have more to say. This week hasn't been too easy. But then again. What week IS easy? hah, not in a complaining way. I just wake up every morning noticing how much Satan does NOT want me to be here. He gives me something to try and make me be unhappy. Every morning. And I think that is what's gonna be a struggle all throughout this next 15 more months as a missionary. Is that he will never EVER stop trying. He tries to get me to think about home, or he tries to get me to think about dance, or the things that could be going better. But in all reality, if these missions were just cakewalks, I imagine A LOT more people would go

Welll family. Hopefully the pictures I send can send thousands of more words for you. I love you all. to PAYCes!
I'll be writing you. I'll be praying for you, like I always am.
By the way. It's so crazy how much English we speak here/ Like the majority of last week was English. CRAZY!
Welll I love you. Mucho MUCHO amor de mi corazon. hah iof that was right. Sometimes the easiest things in English are the toughest in Spanish. like. 'ya' means 'already' in english. Weird no?
Well I love you. Keep hanging on. Keep praying.
Con todo mi corazon, Hermana Lia Batchkoff
p.s. I'm wearing my Spongebob sweatband right now. x)
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